
API: App-Icon Styleguide - Wiki

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Artikel: API: App-Icon Styleguide

API: App-Icon Styleguide

To give your app's appearance the final touch, you should follow this styleguide which will give your awesome piece of code that certain something.

The app icon will be shown in a dark frame:

As you can see, there's a subtle gloss "over" the icon. The opacity of it is set to about 20 percent, which means you should use dark icons to gain the best impact. Also a slight "spot" on the middle of your icon is recommended; it'll give some volume to it.


The gloss and the outline will be set automatically, so you should not embed it in your icon which you are planning to upload!


The image dimensions must be 73px * 73px.

Finally some examples of how it should NOT be done:

In a nutshell:
  • Use a dark icon background
  • Be careful using text
  • Give your logo enough space
  • Reduce your color palette to about 1-2 signal colors
  • Develop a passion for detail

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. Jan. 2010, 01:52 Uhr.


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